Friday, April 11, 2008

A Really Good Day

I thought it would be in order to say, "I had a great day today." I say that because I've had some really bad days lately (see "Thoughts on Anxiety"). I have felt good, remained unmedicated, had some victories at work. I wonder which comes first: The good day or the victories at work? Is it a chicken/egg effect? But it was good. Good conversations with my clients. Lots of sales - Who would ever have thought I would base my good days on sales? Who would ever have thought I'd be selling stuff? But I am. I feel like I'm trying to break in a new pair of shoes that don't fit. But it's beginning to feel better now. And know, what? I'm actually pretty good at it.

Thank you to my friends and those who have cared enough to call and ask how I'm doing. If you haven't called, don't worry about it. I'm not making a list...I save listing for my bad days. ;-)

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