Saturday, April 12, 2008

Almost Kidnapped - First Time

I was five years old and playing in my front yard.

This was not some dangerous city. This was Mountain Grove, Missouri, population approaching 3,000 souls. I was allowed to walk to the grocery store all by myself. We're talking two blocks. In fact, I wonder if my memory is misleading me, but I honestly think I was allowed to walk to my dad's work in town--through the viaduct and about four or five blocks away. I really think I did that at five years old. The point here is that it was considered a safe place to live. We never locked our doors at night; slept with the windows get the picture.

So, back to the story. I was playing out in the front yard alone. Along came this old man and asked me to go home with him. He looked a lot like my grandpa, but I remember that it didn't 'feel right.' I just shook my head. He said, "I think you ought to come home with me. I have some candy. You like candy, don't you?"

Hello! This man knew the pickup lines for sure! But, my mom had already warned me. "Never, ever go anywhere with someone you don't know. They might say they have candy or toys you would like. But NEVER go with ANYONE unless you ask me first. Do you understand?" She went over and over this with me and answered all my 'but what if's.' But what if I know them? But what if they go to our church? But what if ....There were no exceptions to this rule.

"My mommy said I can't go with people I don't know." "I know your mommy and I'm sure it will be ok with her." "Ok, I'll go ask her," I said. I ran around to the back of the house and into the basement where my mom was doing laundry. I asked if it was ok. Mom dropped the wet clothes and ran to front yard. To my disappointment, I'm sure, my generous benefactor was gone.

That was my first experience with an attempted kidnapping.

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