Tuesday, July 22, 2008

You Can Bet on Me!

Of course, you can bet on me...everyone else does!

My life insurance company bets I’m going to live (and pay premiums) for a very long time. And I place monthly bets that they are wrong. This is a bet I want them to win; and yet, I bet against them…huh? Remind me—if I win this bet, I win what?

My health insurance company bets I’m going to be sick. I’m betting that I’m going to be sicker than they think I am. They bet I’m going to fear financial ruin enough to pay them huge amounts of money each month. They win.

White Strips bets I’m going to hold a piece of white copier paper up to my teeth when I look in the mirror. They bet that when I do, I’m going to run out and buy their flimsy little peroxide-coated plastic wrap. They win.

Botox bets I want to keep my youthful appearance. They are betting that I will take whatever minimal risk there might be to pay someone to inject a tiny bit of lethal poison into my face. They may be right. We’ll see.

BMW bets that I am going to buy into their materialistic culture of prestige and egotistical philosophy. I fold. They win.

“Your name is Joy? I bet you are cheerful and happy all the time.” (How can someone named Joy be anything less?) I do my best not to let them down. Again, they win.

Want to place your bet on a sure thing? Step up to the table. Bet on me!


Gloria Coker said...

I bet you become recognized as the woman who discovered Gloria Coker

Anonymous said...

I bet you produced some very good looking children, especially that oldest one.

Sara said...

I bet that you will buy yet another pair of absolutely necessary black shoes because they are totally different than the ones you bought last week. I win.

Anonymous said...

I think you are a 'sure thing' and a safe bet. (G) Loved your blog today.

Anonymous said...

You really are quick! and funny..

Anonymous said...

I bet you are really blonde. Damn, I lose.

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